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2007-05-30 8:46 PM sets up hammock Read/Post Comments (11) |
Hi there! I'm Peg. I'm also known as "Mechaieh," which means "a joy" or a "pleasure" in Yiddish.
Over the past thirty-odd hours, the amateur sociologist in me has been all too fascinated by the variety of reactions to Strikethrough 2007; in spite of knowing better, I couldn't help compulsively refreshing lj-news most of the day to view the pile-on. Were there world enough and time, I'd be screengrabbing like mad and plotting out the study I'd eventually produce about the whole mishegoss. Right now, though, I don't have time even to think about where I want to move to permanently, or if this is in fact "the place just right." What I do know that the current regime at LJ is not one I currently wish to support with my money or active readership-qua-traffic. I used to follow a fair number of journals hosted by JournalScape (mostly by other spec fic writers) back when I was hosted at DiaryLand; many of those individuals seem to have migrated to either LJ or WordPress, although some have since moved back. In any case, as far as I know, this place has been friendly to writers and journallers of various (un)persuasions, and the interface doesn't require advanced coding chops to use, so perhaps I'll eventually bring in the bricks and add some furniture. :-) Read/Post Comments (11) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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