Allez, venez et entrez dans la danse

"Your hair is drunk again"
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* Subject line from William Matthews's "Descriptive Passages." The part that leapt out at me is quoted by another blogger here...

* More wisdom from Matthews: "Life is fun when you're good at something good." ("Bmp Bmp," a poem about jazz musicians.)

* I voiceposted a couple of Matthews poems a while back, among others. They're archived at my old fandom journal.

* My day included a Guild meeting; lamb kebabs and kunefe ("tissue thin layers of rolled pastry, shredded and baked with unsalted cheese. Served warm with a light syrup") with a friend chez Anatolia; various errands; reading a bit of Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles Cookbook (which is a hoot) on said friend's floor in the company of a friendly cat; and bits and bobs of other pleasures and chores and schemings.

How is the month already almost half-over? *reminds self neither to presume nor to despair, and to go to bed already, dammit*

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