Allez, venez et entrez dans la danse

the glamour and the laundry
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My day:

* Sliced strawberries:

* Admired the one three inches wide:

* Five hours of copyediting

* One hour of revising

* One hour of getting ready for a corporate workshop. I hadn't had time to remove the now-ancient polish from my toes, so I opted for sensible shoes to hide the fugliness...

* ... not having realized that the workshop included a literal walk over eight feet or so of hot embers. How do I get myself into these situations? (Yes, I did. The trick is to march quickly, shout at the top of one's lungs the whole way, and plunge one's feet into ice water as soon as one's done. There's still a bit of schmutz on the bottom of my right foot:

The speaker wasn't my cuppa (a self-proclaimed "alpha male" proud of how "real" he is), but he offered a number of potentially useful points ... and he basically told the men not to be wimps about risking hot spots on the soles of their feet, because women get blisters from their shoes all the time and it doesn't stop them from doing what needs to be done.)

* I also broke a flaming board in half with my hand. Go me!

* I received a postcard that mentioned Totoro and Foucault. *glee*

* Chamber choir outfit is all black. Warm-up is at 8:15 a.m. Hence, laundry.

(I knew by mid-week that I wasn't going to have enough energy for the British Sea Power show, so I didn't even try to fit that in. The BYM's spending the night at LP Field as a member of the neighborhood's Relay for Life team. Me, I'm going to play some Jean Ferrat while I put away the dishes and then call it a night.)

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