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  • Regarding the auction to help Vera Nazarian: The organizers are now advising donors to close bidding for each item one week after it was posted (the better to get more money to Vera sooner). So, for example, you'll need to get your bids in by this Friday evening if you want the poems or cake I'm offering. ;-)

  • In this morning's Tennesseean, there's a notice from the Davidson County Election Commission regarding January's referendum election -- which will be mainly about the English-only proposal that needs to staked through the heart and beheaded and smothered under forty truckloads of aioli for once and for all, because dammit, we really do have better things to be working on. I love Nashville and this vampire-zombie of an issue is embarrassing) - as a city, we're collectively way more cosmopolitan and friendly than this asinine, shortsighted, money-squandering ballot measure makes us look, and yeah, other people making me look me bad makes me mad).

    Anyway... *deep breath* Deadline to register to vote for this election is December 23. The notice also contains information on how to arrange to vote if the place you're supposed to vote at isn't accessible (e.g., can't handle wheelchairs, etc.) and you need to vote in person (short version: contact the Commission ASAP).

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