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Mood: Kinda tired! Read/Post Comments (3) |
2002-12-31 4:11 PM 2002: The Year in Review Well, I was going to do a detailed rundown of my year, just like my buddies Greg, Jason, and Jim did, but I'm short on time. As always, the year has gone by way too fast, and I'm still playing catch-up. I guess it's become a tradition.
I've had a good year, writing-wise. It's been slightly turbulent in other areas, as I did some job-jumping, got stressed out about finances, had some rough times here and there, but luckily Elizabeth helped me get through those (though I'm sure she would've liked to throttle me at times). I feel that I grew a lot as writer, thanks to the Oregon workshop and the constant practice I got from writing regularly. I put together some fine stories, and did a lot of work on the Wannoshay novel, which is starting to turn out to be a fine novel after all. I also learned about romance novels and got the first section of one written. And I wrote a dozen stories, and even got a couple stories accepted at the first place I sent 'em, which was cool. I feel like I'm close to hitting my stride as a writer. As for my goals for 2002, well, I didn't accomplish ALL of them. They were pretty idealistic goals, but I like to push myself... Anyhow, I didn't get in shape (surprise, surprise), I definitely met my goal of writing at least 10 hours a week (easily), I didn't finish Ghetto Dwellers (put that on hold, marketing it as a novella right now), ALMOST finished The Wannoshay Cycle, wrote twelve stories (seven more than I'd planned!), didn't start reseach on The All-Nations Team (but I did buy some baseball books and got some baseball DVDs for xmas!), didn't find an agent, just barely read a novel a month (if you count Year's Best anthos, of which I read 2), didn't revise any old novels (other than the first 3 chapters of Prodigal Sons, and definitely didn't dedicate myself to the Day Job! Oh well. It was still a good year. Here's what I've written this past year:
And here's the numbers, if you're really interested: Story submissions -- 126 Story acceptances -- 10: 6 Pro, 1 semi-pro, 1 non-paying, 1 royalty-paying reprint, 1 non-paying reprint Total money made: $1,583 ($57 less than last year -- argh!) New short stories written -- 12.5 (one collab) Short submissions currently out -- 19 Short stories on hand (for the nonce?) -- 1 Short stories in progress -- 10 Novel submissions currently out -- 3 Novels in progress -- 2 Novels in serious need of revising -- 2 Novels existing only in notes and outlines -- 4 Novels existing solely in my brain -- 2 Total words written -- 150,000 Whew. And that's it, for 2002. See ya next year! Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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