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Slightly surprised

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Not bad for a last-minute jam session...

Yeah, baby, now we're talking!

I kept busy today getting all sorts of miscellaneous crap done, like prepping a story to send to Realms of Fantasy, getting caught up on email, revamping my submissions table so I can keep track of what story (and novel) is where, and updating my notes on agents and publishers that I didn't think I'd get a chance to work on chapter 20 of the Wannoshay novel.

But I had a little bit of time tonight to do some drafting, and before I knew it I had most of the chapter fleshed out! Very cool. Just goes to show you how important an outline is, no matter how rough it may be. I just kept going over my outline, making scenes and lines of dialog out of my notes ("Joshua talks to the Elders about why they tried to kill the Late Ones"). I sort of surprised myself there.

I also have a lot more energy because I'm back on the workout routine -- did some good cardio this morning at the Y, and then did some work outside, cleaning up the mess of pinecones and tree branches left over from the ice storm a few weeks back, and did some pruning on our wacked-out shrubs.

A damn good day, overall. Later!

Now Playing:
"No Code," Pearl Jam

Now Reading:
The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl, Tim Pratt

Stories out to Publishers:

Novels out to Publishers/Agents:

Today's Words:

Novel Words:

Today's "Two Towers"-Inspired Quote:
He remained there as long as he dared, just long enough to see the first of the Late Ones peeking out of the hatch of the ship. They were covered, head to foot, in full body armor, protecting them from Earth�s sun.

Even before the ship had touched down, the armored Late Ones began pouring out onto the field. They carried long, two-bladed swords and some sort of guns mounted on their helmets. These were the people of the twilight, and they had spent the day preparing for battle. They were met by the waiting Wannoshay, who held clubs and rocks and shields of black metal recovered from the ruined mother ship.

The two forces met with a wordless crush of metal, flesh, and ear-popping bursts of blue-green energy. And all Father Joshua McDowell could do was stand next to the three Elders and watch.

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