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Mood: Not even that Tired... Read/Post Comments (5) |
2003-01-10 1:00 AM What a day. Well, this was a crazy-ass day! I got up and did some writing first thing, and before I knew it I'd written most of a scene with Ally, our Blur junkie. Then I read a nice interview with Brian A. Hopkins in the latest Cemetery Dance, and read his very Weird Tales-ish story in that issue. I was supposed to read some more in the January F&SF, but man, I ran outta time!
A lot going on here in the Jasper household. I'm looking to hit 100k on the Wannoshay novel tomorrow, after really jamming today. I've also been getting story reject after story reject, including my fastest-ever reject from the cock-roach-suckers anthology (maybe 3 hours, tops!) with some good comments and tips from the editor. I also got an email today to let me know that I am officially an "Active" member of the Horror Writers Association! Very cool. I've been working toward this goal for the past year and a half, and now that it's been accomplished, I'm like "big deal, gimme something more." I also got a phone call today about a very cool-sounding tech writer job that I'm trying not to get too excited about, but it sounds like a perfect fit for me. That's all I gotta say 'bout that -- other than I emailed my resume and 4 writing samples off to the agency to see if they'll gimme the job, or at least an interview. I also got some great feedback from Derek about our upcoming collaboration, and I think this story is really going to knock people's socks off. Prepare to be unclothed by our fiction. Finally, Elizabeth told me about this cool program going around in Raleigh called Wake Reads Together, where everyone reads the same book. The cool thing is, the novel everyone is supposed to read is Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Are we cool cats or WHAT? I'm gonna grab a copy of this book at Borders or the library tomorrow and re-read it. The last time I read it was about ten years ago. Sometimes life gives you a nice little treat like this. Later! Now Playing: "New Favorite", Alison Kraus and Union Station Stories out to Publishers: 19 Today's Words: 2,700 Novel Words: 98,200 Today's Quote: When Skin lowered his right hand from his eyes, with Lisa and Randy pressed against him, and Lisa cradling his battered left hand in hers, he saw in his glasses why the Late Ones had not blasted the other aliens into dust. Helpless to look away, Skin watched as the Late Ones pointed long, hand-held wands at the onrushing Early Ones, and every Early One that came across the path of the wand pulled up short. The wand made a popping sound, and the alien caught by it fell to the ground, twitching like a Blur addict. A second group of smaller Late Ones scurried up to the fallen Early Ones and dragged them into the ship. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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