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Busy. Real busy.

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Where to start?

Man, it's been a crazy couple of days. I can't say too much about some of the events, as things are still transpiring and I don't want to jinx things, but suffice to say, I've had to move up my revising on The Wannoshay Cycle. Instead of doing it in a month or so, I'm cramming a lot of in this weekend. More on that as things fall into place.

Also, things are looking quite good on the job front! Looks like the Writer/Editor position I interviewed for is going to work out. Tentative start date is February 3rd. Whew. I'm looking forward to this one.

Got a couple more rejections yesterday, and I spent last night and most of today really whacking away at those stories, getting them into tiptop shape. I'm always amazed when I start cutting stuff out of stories -- I can usually chop out around 1,000 words without too much sweat.

I also jammed out some more fun wordage on the "Shadow Wolf" story I'm doing with Derek, and it is rocking. We're only two scenes away from being done with the draft. It's gonna be good.

And that's about it. I've got a full day of revising and reworking on the Wannoshay novel tomorrow before I can reward myself with wings and brews during the Super Bowl tomorrow evening. Wish me luck! Later!

Now Playing:
"Play", Moby

Stories out to Publishers:
20 (as of Monday)

Today's Words:

Words for '03:

Today's Quote:
It wasn�t a book at all, Joshua realized, but a kind of journal, an incomplete record. There were still many pages dealing with the history of Joshua and his people left to be filled, more work left to be done. A whole lot more work.

�Private,� Joshua said. �Thank you for the ride.�

He got out of the truck and stared at the members of his congregation, many of whom had seen him and came running up to him, calling out his name. Carrying the book of the aliens in his hands, Father Joshua took one step, and then another, back toward his church and his returned people.

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