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Mood: Excited Read/Post Comments (8) |
2003-04-11 3:54 PM Day 11 -- Ready for the Weekend! Now that's more like it. Last night I was too burnt-out, tired, and grumpy from the crappy weather to do any writing, so I ended up messing with the computer (trying to set up Lotus Notes so I can work at home, but damn, Lotus sucks!) and doing some bills (we got our federal tax returns back today! Wahoo!) and then giving up on the written word altogether to watch some of my favorite scenes from "The Fellowship of the Rings" DVD.
I must say, there are moments in that movie that I'm twelve years old again, discovering Middle-Earth for the first time. I love the battle scene in the Prologue (though I've always wondered why Sauron wasn't invisible there, as he was wearing the ring? Can anyone explain??), with the elves kicking butt, even it's too short a scene. I also like the chase scene in Moria, but not as much as I dug the fight scene between Saruman and Gandalf (a scene barely mentioned in the book, but beautifully done in the movie!). And the last scene at Amon Hen, as Aragorn salutes the hordes of orcs coming at him before Kicking Their Asses, and then Boromir's valiant, yet tragic attempts to save Merry and Pippin after attacking Frodo... Someone stop me, I'm geeking out. It was just a nice reminder to me of why I write -- I was totally absorbed in that world for an hour or two, forgetting my problems and reveling in the heroic deeds of these characters. That's the kind of connection I'd love to make with my readers. Sure, I want my readers to think and learn, but I also want them to experience the story on a gut level, with all their senses engaged, totally absorbed and in the moment. And maybe someday I'll actually WATCH the other 2 discs in the 4-disc boxed set for the movie. Had some time today to get some drafting done, by the way. I guess taking a break last night wasn't such a bad thing after all. Gotta go wind the Horn of Gondor now. Later... Now Playing: "Old-School Dropouts," The Connells Now Reading: Dragon, Mark Siegel Stories out to Publishers: 16 Today's Words: 1,700 (+300 from yesterday) Novel Words: 43,000 Words for '03: 60,700 Today's Quote: After a low rumbling sound of annoyance at being interrupted, the ghost floated closer. Ella felt the wind pick up again, blasting icy wind onto her, almost as cold as the water had turned on their ill-fated dives in the past few days. With a sudden flash of vertigo, she felt the lighthouse sway underneath her. “Ye’re still here, lass?” “Ah, yes sir,” Ella said, hoping he voice didn’t sound like she was squeaking. “I was hoping you could give us a hint as to where we should start looking, sir. To help Miss Caroline. She spoke most highly of you, sir, by the way.” “Aye, flattery will get ye everywhere with Blackbeard,” the ghost said, deep laughter bubbling out of his chest once again. “I like talking with ye two. Everyone else I’ve visited here simply runs off screamin’, and all I get to do is hide their keys and move their lawn ornaments around for my leisure.” Read/Post Comments (8) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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