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2003-04-25 5:42 PM Day 25, cont'd -- Lighting up a cigarette. All it took was a handful of viagra washed down with three cappucinos...but the Hot Sex Scene is done!
Actually, it took a Diet Coke spiked with a little whiskey, but you get the point. And I like how this "climactic" scene played. It's pretty much PG-rated (if not G-rated). And it fits into the plot and should be a nice reward to readers, I hope. Surprisingly, it's pretty short -- the extent of the "hot stuff" is in the quote section below. And I love how the next chapter starts, the following morning. Mitch, the male protagonist, has just seen his boat, Cassiopeia, destroyed the previous day, and this is the first sentence, as he wakes up next to Ella: "Mitch had never known forgetting Cassie would ever be so easy." So, I guess I can safely say that I've been enjoying writing this little ol' paranormal romance. It's been a nice challenge for me to add more emotions into my characters, and not feel goofy about it. And now I need a break -- almost 5k in one day is pretty damn good! I have 2, maybe 3 more chapters to go, I think. I think the novel will probably top out at 70,000 words, or 300 pages (double-spaced in Courier font) for the first draft. I'll probably bulk it up to 80,000 or so for the final draft -- I have a couple scenes to expand and I'll probably rewrite the first three chapters again... and so on, and so on. Have a good weekend! I'm gonna go try my new moves out on my wife now... ;) Now Playing: "Live at Folsom Field," Dave Matthews Band Now Reading: PDFs of my stories for Fictionwise Stories out to Publishers: 17 Today's Words: 4,700 total(!) Words for '03: A cool 80k Today's (Steamy) Quote: Closing her eyes, Ella let her sense of hearing come to the forefront. She heard Mitch’s slow breathing next to her, air hissing almost silently in and out of his nose. From the field of marsh grass around the landing strip, frogs had gathered to sing their repetitive, cheeping songs, while further away to the east was the low roar of the Atlantic. Creating a counterpoint to all of this was the whispering wind, ricocheting off the wings of the plane and picking up speed over the flat tidewater marshes surrounding them. Ella was so intent on the sounds around her, noises she’d never heard all at the same time before, especially in Boston, that she never would know, later, who had started the kissing. All she knew was that one moment she was alone with the sounds of the wild, uncivilized world surrounding her, and the next she was sharing it with Mitch. Their lips pressing together, tongues touching tentatively at first, and then with more confidence, Ella refused to open her eyes, just in case this was a dream. Mitch’s arms were around her, holding her tight, comforting yet strangely overpowering at the same time. So she gripped him tighter in her arms, squeezing him around the shoulders as tightly as she held her own eyes squeezed shut. Ella moved on top of Mitch, feeling all of her fears slip away as he rolled with her, off the sleeping bags and onto the brittle grass of the landing strip. Ella reached behind her and opened up Mitch’s sleeping back with one deft flip of her hand. With the other hand she slid off his shirt. Mitch returned the favor as they slid into his sleeping bag, still kissing without saying a single word even as he slid her shirt off over her shoulders. And then, just as Ella had almost completely wiped away all thoughts of dead pirates, desperate ghosts, and the revenge of broken hearts, their kisses were interrupted by the distant sounds of cannons. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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