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Mood: Contemplative Read/Post Comments (5) |
2003-05-01 11:00 AM This isn't a lot, is it? Ah, the start of a new month. And the recovering from writing a whole lot last month. The plan is to do lots of reading and getting back into the swing of things again, enjoying the world outside my computer. I'm sure the withdrawal will be painful, but what can you do?
In addition to reading the stuff I've been putting off for a year or so, I do want to do a bit of writing. I mean, I can't just quit cold turkey. First off, I want to write a new story for Leviathan 4. I've got an idea in mind, and my buddy Jay has graciously let me read his story which was already accepted into the antho, so I have a good idea for the feel of the antho (and I'm ordering the third book from Amazon shortly). I think it's gonna take place in my "City of All-Worlds" setting. Then I want to revise my young-adult novel, The Last of the Hand, write a story based on the Intracities guidelines (though I doubt I'll PUBLISH it in the antho, as that smacks of self-publishing... unless there's a hole I need to fill...), and revise the Wannoshay novel. So -- two stories and two novel revisions. That's not too much, is it? Oh, and I plan on contacting some potential agents as well, soon as I finish doing my homework on them. (Agents, beware!) That's all. Got to keep this writing bit under control, now that Lizzie's just about done with grad school classes (graduation's tomorrow! then just fieldwork this summer). We've both been working so hard that it's going to take some adjusting, just being sorta regular people again who don't spend every waking hour hunched over a computer. Tips from the studio audience are always welcome. Later! Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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