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2003-05-07 11:25 AM Sequels and Wise Fiction Man, I don't have much to say these days, I guess, now that I'm not writing thousands of words daily. Either that, or I'm a bit brain-fried. Ah well.
I've been working on getting some query packages to send out to agents for three of my novels. As soon as I revise them, at least the first three chapters anyway, I plan on flooding the post office with queries. Maybe one of 'em will stick... Fittingly, after going to see the new "X-Men" movie (which was better than the first, but had a really weak ending) and prepping to see the next "Matrix" movie next week, I've been thinking about sequels. As part of my queries, I figured I'd throw in a couple pages for proposed sequels to The Last of the Hand and the paranormal romance, Heart's Revenge. Going on the philosophy that three novels are better than one, I've mapped out each series as a trilogy. The Hand novel really lends itself nicely to this, and I'm most excited about working on them some day, maybe after I write the elusive Novel Number Five. I'm excited about these YA fantasy books because they're lots of fun to write, have a great cast of characters, and because a couple of the characters are hundreds of years old, I get to do cool scenes in the past, at historic moments like the Great Chicago Fire or the moment when a massive tidal wave hit Australia, or a visit to people suffering from the plague in Europe. I'm looking forward to coming up with some other places and times to visit in books two and three, and I'm open to suggestions -- I'd prefer alternate explanations to big events or catastrophes from all over the world, as I did in the first novel, when an evil sorcerer set Chicago on fire, not someone's cow kicking over a lantern... In other news, I finally have an Author's Page at Fictionwise.com!!! There are only 5 stories for sale right now, with eleven more to come. So if you're interested, check it out and read a story (for a small fee!). At some point I'll add links from each story page and from my home page, when I find some time. So far the few reviews I've gotten have been pretty positive. Enjoy! Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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