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2003-08-13 2:57 PM I've found the secret to writing: And the secret to writing is? Physical exercise!
I finally got around to taking Whit the Wonder Pup for a jog this morning, after about 2 weeks of skipping it and sleeping in instead, and bam! I figured out how to end the story that's been plaguing me for the past few weeks. It must be something about getting the blood flowing, getting some fresh air, moving the ol' carcass again, as opposed to just sitting behind the computer with the coffee IV hooked up. I'm sure this is no big revelation to other folks, but there's something to this exercise stuff. I may even start doing it every day! And in other news, I was challenged to do a Story Word today by the ever-prolific and always-innovative Jay Lake, and I jammed one out in about ten minutes. Look for it tomorrow at his site; I may run it here too. It came out pretty nicely, and was a nice brain-teasing challenge (you get a word at random and have to create a story about that word -- Jay gave me "exfoliate"). In other other news, my super-awesome wife Elizabeth got a very nice job offer today! She hasn't completely made a decision to take it or not, but it's quite a good deal. It's an occupational therapy position at a nursing home about 10 minutes from our house, a nice change o' pace from Lizzie having to drive about an hour each way for the past 2 years or so. I don't know what we're gonna do as a two-income household again. We may just go a bit nuts. Maybe even go out to eat. At a place with waiters, even... The opportunities are endless. :) Read/Post Comments (24) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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