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Mood: A bit worn out... Read/Post Comments (6) |
2003-09-14 6:01 PM Sticks, Bingo, and Scrags Oh my, what a weekend. Had a good time, but as usual, I planned on doing about five times more than what I actually did. But Elizabeth and I also went out both Friday and Saturday night, surely a record for us, at least in the past three years or so, and we had a really good time. We're slowly learning how to be social again.
And I'm resisting a bit, I guess, wanting to have more Writing Time (and Reading Time). At least today I was able to finish up the short story version of my novel Scrags, which I wanted to submit to a local market as a sort of teaser, and I also have a very rough idea of the outline for the whole novel. I want to skim some of Joseph Campbell's classic text, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and play around with his concepts in the context of a young adult science fiction novel. Should be fun! With that done, I can go back to the Wannoshay novel and focus on that. I'm hoping to still finish up that before the month's end. That, and the collab with Jay. Ay yi yi -- to much to do! Speaking of the collab, Jay strongly suggested I read Gene Wolfe's Shadow and Claw, and since I've had a copy of this for about 4 years (my buddy Chris stuck it in my hands and demanded I read it, and of course I ignored his advice, like a fool...). As soon as I finish Gaiman's excellent Stardust, I'll dive into Wolfe. Lots of good reading material these days. Just not enough time. As for the weekend, we had a really fun time on Friday night, listening to some live music. And the best part about it was that there was no cover charge -- Elizabeth's brother Chris just started playing drums with a band his co-worker has put together, and we came over to watch (Elizabeth came with the secret agenda of trying to usurp their lead singer). We brough a six-pack and drank and listened to TONS of classic rock songs, decided Chris's new nickname should be Sticks, and sang along to some Johnny Cash in tribute. It was a ball. Made me want to pick up the ol' guitar again. And then last night Elizabeth and I and our friends went to drag bingo for the second time. No, I didn't dress up, thanks for asking! This is a local fund-raiser for the AIDS Alliance here in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill (the "Triangle"), and it was a blast. The usual emcee, Mary K-Mart wasn't there, so it wasn't as funny as last time we went, but her replacement, Betty Ford, was pretty funny. And, to top it off, for the final game, where the grand prize was over $300, I won! Problem was, two other people won, and they went with the lower number on the Free Space square, and mine was too high. I ended up with a gift certificate for a full-body massage and two tickets to Queen of the Triangle, a drag show being held tonight at like 10:30 (if it weren't so damn late and I didn't have to go to work, I'd go!). My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard last night. All in all, a great weekend. Just not long enough, dammit! Later... Now Playing: "The Thistle and Shamrock," WUNC/NPR Now Reading: Stardust, Neil Gaiman Stories out to Publishers: 16 Today's Words: 1,400 Words for '03: 118,200 Today's Quote: At least she or he (or it) looked just like one, right down to the wings, even if they weren't made of the feathers I'd heard about in stories, but shimmering pieces of the thinnest, silver-blue metal I'd ever seen. The wings gave off tiny sparks as the angel leaned forward in his or her or its black bodysuit. The angel's face was grayish white, as if he or she (or it) hadn't seen the sun in a long, long time. Like the spotlights attached to the govvie choppers that broke up a night of wall-jumping, the angel's eyes were round and wide, almost all white. The angel was talking so fast I couldn't understand a single word. Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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