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2003-10-24 9:01 PM Two nice things about being between jobs: Time to write, and time to read!
I finally, finally finished the last two chapters of my middle section of the Wannoshay novel. These are the chapters when all my lead characters get together and go into the mother ship to meet the alien Elders. I didn't think I'd ever get everyone to this point. It didn't help that in the course of redrafting this section, I added two new minor characters and about 30 soldiers and police officers as well. I don't do chaos and mayhem that well, but I think I pulled it off. A big inspiration for me getting back into writing (in addition to actually having time to write) was that I've been reading and realling enjoying Stephen King's Bag of Bones. I tried reading this a few years back, and I thought it was a bit too indulgent and slow, but now I'm really digging it. It helps that Elizabeth read it already and recommended it; we chat about it off and on, which is a lot of fun and makes the whole reading experience better. Plus, his main character is a full-time writer, and that's inspiring (even if not all that realistic...) In job news, had a phone screening interview today for a nice job at a small medical software company in Chapel Hill that sounds promising. And an on-site interview in the Research Triangle Park on Monday. I'm not stressing too much. Back to a Zen-like approach to job-hunting. If it happens, it happens. Ohm. And finally, I've changed my World Fantasy plans -- I'm going on Thursday! It didn't cost much to change my train tickets from Friday to Thursday, and I figured what the hell -- I'm not working that day, I may as well be hanging out in DC with writers and editors instead of missing the fun in Raleigh. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. If you're going, please chime in! We're off to Richmond tomorrow, returning Sunday. Have a good one. Later. Now Playing: "Best of Back Porch Music 3," WUNC Now Reading: Bag of Bones, Stephen King Wednesday-Friday's Words: 4,000 Words for '03: 133,000 Today's Quote: "Alissa Trang." She moved the piece of Wannoshay hair from her right hand into her coat pocket with a crooked smile before shaking his hand. "I came all the way down here from Canada. Nice to meet you, Father." Her eyes widened with amazed glee for a second as the ship loomed higher and higher above them. "Can you believe this is happening? Jesus H -- Um, sorry, Father." "Nice to meet you too, Alissa." "That's Skin and Shermie up there," she said, pointing and still wearing her crooked grin. "Skin's the pissed-off looking white guy." "And that's Shontera and her girl Toshera back there." Joshua showed her his piece of Wannoshay hair, and her grin disappeared. "Looks like we all had the same thing in mind today, huh?" Read/Post Comments (14) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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