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Mood: Proud Read/Post Comments (21) |
2003-11-19 4:53 PM "And now is the time on Sprockets when we dance." Today's writing entry was brought to you by Dieter:
![]() "I'm happy as a little GIIIIIRL." Okay, so I won't be doing any dancing tonight, but I am quite happy -- I got a lot of revising and writing done on the ol' novel today. I'm on schedule to get it all pulled together by Saturday, then I'm taking a break from it for a while to read and work on the Blackbeard novel. "Textures intrigue me." I finally got to see a copy of the Asimov's with my story "Coal Ash and Sparrows" in it, and while it's a crazy-wild cover with dragons and stuff on it (it's a bit too cartoonish for my tastes), I sure liked seeing my name there down on the bottom. And it makes me look forward to seeing Greg's and my collab in those pages. Can you say cover art? "You disturb me to the point of insanity. There. I am insane now." I have some other tidbits of news I'm dying to share, but I want to wait it out a bit so I can announce these things without jinxing myself. Let's just say that I have renewed hope for the SF novel. "Your story has become tiresome." And other than that, it's been pretty steady here at Working the Game Headquarters. Just writing lots, trying to read a bunch, and getting ready for a week away from the computer while we're doing Turkey Day at the beach. And you knew I couldn't resist this final quote: "Vould you like to touch my monkey? Touch him! Love him!" Now Playing: "Global Underground," John Digweed Now Reading: The Fantasy Writer's Assistant, Jeffrey Ford Nine Princes in Amber, Roger Zelazny Today's Words: 2,700 Words for '03: 154,000 Today's Quote: Instead of following the waves of other energy-creatures released by the Elder out of the room and into the open night air, the woman who Ally would learn later was called Nonami turned her dying energy on all of the injured and wounded and the exhausted in the makeshift emergency ward of the student union and washed over them in a wave of wild, unadulterated energy. Read/Post Comments (21) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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