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2004-10-13 4:29 PM Just a quick one today Just wanted to throw together a quick entry before I run off -- there's nothing more exhausting than having stuff to do on weeknights, especially when you're double-booked. Last night it was touring a potential pediatrics place for Drew (we like it, and we'll take it!) and then running to Subway with Elizabeth to split a foot-long sandwich with her on the way to our birthing class.
Tonight we're headed off to dinner for my former manager at work, who's a very cool guy who decided to move on to a different position (bastard!). I actually entertained a new job prospect in the past week, a writing position at Blue Cross/Blue Shield, but they couldn't give me more than a 6-month commitment. Wasn't worth it. I like my co-workers, and I enjoy the work, so it'd be silly to job-jump, especially with a young 'un on the way (and especially after what happened a year ago!). But in between all this running around, I've gotten hooked on this novel blog I'm doing. I'm thinking about it more, which is a good thing, coming up with ideas in the shower and while I'm walking the dog. I hope you check it out -- let me know if you need the password. Thanks to advice from my buddy Jeff, I'm looking into ways to possibly remove the password-protection so the novel blog can be read by anyone, at any time, without getting the password from me. I need to look into the Creative Commons info, as well as brush up on rights. For more exciting reading than that, however, I did find a couple blog-novels: Jim Munroe's Roommate From Hell (which is actually his novel An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil in blog format, and "plan b," a blognovel (more of a series of connected stories, really). If you find more novel blogs, please let me know! I haven't seen any blogs or journals that feature a novel being written every day, as a serial. But I know they've gotta be out there. In any case, I'm having a lot of fun with this novel idea, and having a daily deadline is really motivating me to write. And I love not having any sort of outline -- I want to find out what happens next myself! Later. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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