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Mood: Hoping to make that "Permanently Inspired" Read/Post Comments (2) |
2005-01-17 4:51 PM Temporarily Inspired Inspired by my quick read of my SF novel, I carved out some time this weekend to sit down and read my baseball novel from start to finish. So I packed my bag full of some caffeinated beverages, my notebook, and the manuscript, and trundled off to the local library's Quiet Reading Room. (In exchange, I had to pick up this week's groceries for Elizabeth and Drew, a task we usually do together, and a chore I somewhat despise).
Of course, I didn't read the entire thing word for word. I only had three and a half hours. I did more of a close read of the opening 100 pages or so (about an hour and a half had passed by the time I'd gotten to chapter 4, so I had to speed it up!). Those are the most troublesome pages anyway, as I was floundering my way into the storyline and getting to know the characters. What really helped me get going was the time I'd spent earlier yesterday really revamping the opening chapter. The book had a pretty weak voice, as a lot of my stuff seems to have when I do 3rd person, so I changed it all to first person. And it works so much better. I can get inside my protagonist's head and imagine his world much, much easier (and describe much easier as well) by using "I" instead of "he." For whatever reason, I've always felt like novels shouldn't be in 1st person, but I think that's a mistake now. The trick is finding a strong first-person voice. I'm working hard on creating that now, and I've got a good start, I think. Now all I have to do is change the remaing 360 pages to 1st person... Ow. Another thing I'm learning, now that I've finally gotten inspired again about this book (for a while there I was feeling like I'd never get back to work on it), is that I've got to get up in the mornings again. There's just no time at night, and I want to relax with my family and hang out with them instead of holing up in my office. So, it's time for more sleep deprivation! Fortunately, Drew is getting better about sleeping longer at night (last night he went from about 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., and from about 4 a.m. to 8 a.m., which is great for an almost-five-week-old!). So hopefully I'll be able to get caught up on my sleep as well, provided that we can get him to settle down before 10 p.m. It usually takes him a good hour or 2 of struggling before he poops out for the night. He wants to party all night and sleep all day, it seems. Don't know who he gets that from... Later! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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