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2005-08-21 8:15 PM That was the sound of the weekend zipping past... Yow, how'd it get to be 8:15 on a Sunday night already? The weekend was nicely busy, and just zipped by. Elizabeth had a shower to go to today, so Drew and I dropped her off, said hello to all our friends, and went to hang out with my parents for a couple hours -- they were needing a Drew fix!
On the way to pick Elizabeth back up, after chatting with my family and looking forward to visiting with our friends some more and seeing my lovely wife again, I was driving with "A Prairie Home Companion" playing on the radio and Drew sitting behind me in his car seat, zonked out. I had one of the moments where the universe just clicks into place -- one of those moments you'll look back at ten years later and say, "I never knew how good I had it then." A moment you know you'll never have again, in the exact same way, so you enjoy it all you can. For some reason, I woke up at 4:30 today, no alarm. I thought about going back to bed, but I hadn't gotten any writing on the novel done since my burst of words at the end of the day Friday, and I was starting to feel negative about it. So I got up. It's really not so hard, once you get used to it... A couple cups of coffee and two point-of-view switches later, I hit page 70. I decided to try and move up the "interlude" section I had with my protagonist's wife -- she was starting to turn out to be the villain of the piece, and I wanted to show her side of the story. And while he's out searching for his son, I get to show all the other sub-plots hatching back on the farm. Fun stuff! The plan is to keep up the pace and do my best to finish by the end of next month. I think I can do that. And now I've gotta go walk the dog so we can watch the special about 9/11 on the National Geographic channel. Should be interesting. Later! Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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