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Mood: Um, wordy? Read/Post Comments (4) |
2005-10-20 11:28 AM Words, words, blogs, words Seems like whenever I'm back in the fiction-writing groove, I have the urge to write more often in my journal. Or perhaps I'm just procrastinating from the day job. Nobody will ever really, truly know.
After working on the new story late last night and early this morning, thanks to my brainstorm of how to fix the ending (which I think I came up with during a very dull meeting at work...), "Waiting for the Dragon" is done! I really like how this one turned out. It's pretty light, but the protagonist is an interesting one, and I think the ending throws some nice curves at the reader -- I tried to take a somewhat grumpy, unlikeable protagonist and make him likeable by the end. Interestingly, the story title went from "Grumpy Old Wizard" to "Grumpy Young Wizard" to the current title, which I like a lot (but isn't as humorous as the others... that is, if the other ones were as humorous as I'd thought...). I also realized on the drive to work that I needed to do something about Julia C. Porter. I thought about creating a Web site for that young, intrepid author of paranormal romances, but instead I came up with something easier and just as handy -- a blog! Surf on over there and check it out, and leave a comment. Just remember, I'm not Julia! She sorta looks like my wife, actually (don't spill the beans, okay?) Just got my copy-edited manuscript for Heart's Revenge, by the way, so I'll be giving that book one more read-through before being DONE. Then all I have to do is get ready for it to come out next June -- woo woo! Also, check out the new cover for Polyphony 5. Very cool -- I'm in it with my collaboration with Greg van Eekhout and Tim Pratt, "Gillian Underground." Place your orders now. Lots of cool stuff going on lately. Later! Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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