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Mood: Self-indulgent Read/Post Comments (4) |
2005-11-05 7:12 AM Favorite Stories o' Mine Last night, as I was bemoaning the lack of editorial response (again) for my various novels out there to Elizabeth, we got to talking about stories. Yes, my wife rocks for putting up with me and my writerly moods.
(I don't get too bent out of shape about wait on the story subs, mostly because I've come to expect long-ass waits from magazines, but when I have a whole novel manuscript out there, especially when an editor has asked for the whole shebang, as is the case for The Wannoshay Cycle and The All Nations Team, I start getting really antsy when too much time has elapsed.) We were talking about the difference between writing novels and writing stories, and how I feel like I'm just starting to figure out novels. It got me thinking about all the various stories I've written, and made me think which stories were my personal favorites. The ones that I think will stand the test of time, and will always be as fresh and insightful as they were at the time they were written and published. So here's my list of Top Five Stories Written by ME:
By the way, I'd love to see YOUR list of favorite stories written by YOU. Hey, let's start a meme! Of course, the trouble thing about all this is that I feel like a lot of my best stories are from years ago. Of course, I've been doing mostly novel-writing since 2003, really, banging out Heart's Revenge, a pretty thorough overhaul of the last 1/3 The Wannoshay Cycle, The All Nations Team, and 1/3 of Sixteen Miles from Everywhere since then. Though I have written three new stories this year, all of which have sold to good markets. So I guess I still got it... I just need to get those novels in shape. And get those editors to reply! Later... Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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