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2005-12-08 4:25 PM 1st line of each month journal entry This one's from Jenn. Rules: Post the first sentence of your first journal entry for each month in 2005.
Be the best dad I can be for Drew, and the best husband I can be for Elizabeth. One of the best aspects of getting a story published in one of the bigger "name" magazines in the genre is the chance to read reviews of your story as they pop up here and there. Oh man, I've been so out of it that I totally spaced it. Okay, so while I was picking out a tune on the guitar last night, the movie "Event Horizon" came on the SciFi Channel. Still working on getting the youngster back up to speed -- his barking cough is gone (thank God!), though the nose is running faster than a cheetah. Finish revising The All Nations Team. Hello all -- greetings from sunny, cool, breezy, GREEN Iowa! In between projects coming at me left and right at work, I've been working on my Dreamweaver skills, using my poor ol' outdated Web site as the guinea pig. In spite of the grim news from New Orleans and Baghdad and pretty much the rest of the world (as Jenn noted, the news has been particularly bad lately, to the point where it's almost overwhelming), I'm still plugging away at my writing. Still fine-tuning the novel before sending it back to my editor. I'm about pictured out, but I wanted to share this photo of the Great Pumpkin, along with links to more photos up at my PhotoBlog and at the Halloween Gallery. I'm a couple days behind on getting the word out, so I'm announcing this week "Rangergirl Week." Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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