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Mood: Catching my breath... Read/Post Comments (8) |
2006-02-17 12:42 PM Buh Bye Books, a Kickin' Story I've been having fun spreading the love with my ARCs of Heart's Revenge, and I'm wishing now I had MORE to share. I want to make sure I get copies to the Raleigh and Durham papers, plus the newspaper in Ocracoke (where I think I may have a review lined up -- thanks, Jamie!). The novel takes place in Ocracoke, so I have a feeling Lizzie and I will have to take another trip there (any excuse will do), and it'll be fun taking Drew there for his first visit.
At some point this weekend, I need to put together a press release for the novel, letting people know when it comes out and how to order it. Should be fun. I've not done anything like that in a long time. And this weekend is looking relatively open, which is nice -- we've been busy the past few weekends, ever since the new year started, I think. Maybe I'll finish reading that novel I've been too tired to read at night for the past week or two... (yes, I'm still reading The Sparrow; I'm such a slow-ass reader). I did find time to read Tim Pratt's excellent story "Jubilee," which is online at a site I need to visit more often, The Journal of Mythic Arts. Tim's stories always manage to suck me in right away, and his often-damaged protagonists fascinate me. This one has one of those endings -- the last sentence -- that just blew me away. Great stuff. Reading it made me want to do a sort of mythic story set in the midwest instead of the south. A sort of secret history, with snow and beer and endless winters and secrets buried deep under the plains... Hmmm... It's nice to get energized about writing fiction again. This week's been so crazy with so many various things, that I haven't had a chance to dive back into my novel yet. And who knows when things will settle back down again. More on that... later! Read/Post Comments (8) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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