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Mood: not ready for daylight savings!!! Read/Post Comments (0) |
2006-04-03 10:04 AM No longer blinded by the light If I never have to install another set of blinds, it'll be too soon.
Most of the heavy lifting on the new house has been done -- cleaned out (most of) the garage on Saturday while Lizzie transplanted some flowers and plantings from our old house, plus all the blinds are up, at last, and most of the various odd jobs have been knocked out. We even got caught up enough yesterday afternoon to take a nap in the hammock for a while (as Drew dozed upstairs). Very nice. I could get used to the quiet new neighborhood, though the new neighbors are slowing settling in around us. We met three new couples this past week, and our next door neighbors stopped by yesterday to cehck out their place, which will be done in late May. Everyone seems quite nice -- we feel like the welcome wagon, since we've been here the longest now! And this morning, despite the pain of losing an hour this week, I got up and did some writing on the latest chapter of the novel, and I'm over 3/4 of the way done with the whole shebang! I would've written more, but the thunder and lightning outside (a rarity in the past year) made me stop. And it's still thundering outside...
And, as soon as we get Internet and cable up and running (curse you, Time Warner Cable!), I'll have photos of the new place. Today marks the start of Lizzie's new schedule, so she's home with Drew all week -- no more daycare or babysitters! Woohoo! And now, to get some work-work done... Later! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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