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Mood: Whew Read/Post Comments (4) |
2006-05-07 12:31 PM (I) May Update! (Or I May Not) I've either been too busy or too tired in the past few weeks to write a journal entry. Sometimes the ol' online journal thing seems silly to me -- I wonder if people really read this stuff? Does anyone really care how many cups of coffee I had today, or what the weather is here in Wake Forest? Ah well... (I bought a new paper journal yesterday, so my entries here may continue to dwindle).
I did want to update here to let folks know that Heart's Revenge is now officially available for purchase. You can buy my pseudonymously written paranormal romance novel about dead pirates and shipwrecks and reluctant lovers at Amazon.com for full price or at a nice discount at Barnes and Noble (about five bucks off cover!). I really should've done more promotion for this book, but I also wonder what good all that does, and I really don't have the time or energy for bookmarks and contests and all that. If you wanna buy it, buy it. Hope ya like it! This is why I'm not in Sales... I also got page proofs for my angry hobbit story, "Meet the Madfeet," and I had fun re-reading that story. Check out the cool cover on my excerpt page! Also check out the art for my "Brotherhood of Trees" story, which came out a few weeks ago. Lots of nice art lately. Meanwhile, I've been taking a bit of a break from writing to get caught up on work around the new house (still have 2 sets of blinds to hang up, and one more towel rack!) and just recover from the madness of the past six months. For sheer pleasure, I've been reading stories by Charles de Lint, starting with his earlier Newford stories. I plan on reading a bunch of these from his various collections, then reading Onion Girl and his new one, Widdershins. It's been refreshing, just reading for fun again. And that's about it for news, 'round here. Just catching my breath before another busy week of work at the job (which I'm really enjoying, busy at it is). Later! Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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