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Mood: Saturday'ed. Read/Post Comments (0) |
2006-08-26 3:19 PM A fine way to spend a Saturday Okay, so, I can't stop listening to Bruce Springsteen's "We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions" at work on my headphones or at home on the computer. Or in my car on the CD player. I even heard one of the songs last night on WUNC's "Back Porch Music." Bruce's voice may be a bit rough 'round the edges, but these songs -- I dunno, they get in my head and stay there. And I frickin' love the rough and tumble sound of the fiddles and horns. Great stuff.
I've been listening to Bruce for the past hour and a half as I finish tidying up the last few chapters of the baseball novel. I should be done by the end of next week, which is good, because I'm really getting excited about what I'm gonna do with Sixteen Miles. But I'm being good (for a change) and not rushing the final coat of paint on this novel. And I'm really enjoying it -- I've even started coming up with bits to add to the book when I'm not at the computer, like the goofy section I thought up today that had the Mexican first baseman trying to suck a lemon after doing a shot of rum instead of tequila... Hey, I liked it... I lucked out this afternoon with my writing time, because Drew is still crashed out after playing with his cousins this morning (Lizzie had to work). Drew and I met my brother and his two girls at this cool park in Apex that has a playground kids could only dream of -- all sorts of towers and bridges and nooks and crannies to discover and climb on. Drew was in heaven. And I was happy to see lots of dads there today, not just moms. Drew had a blast, even though he was soaked with sweat once we were done (yeah, Dad got to do some climbing, too!). Great idea, bro! And now I'm gonna read some more Rangergirl until Drew wakes up or Lizzie gets home, whichever comes first! Later... Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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