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Mood: Just writing, nothing to see here... Read/Post Comments (3) |
2006-10-05 6:51 AM New chapter, drafted, with a completely free Drew story or two Sometimes I feel like the most boring journal-writer around, because during the week it's pretty much Get up and work on my novel, go to work and work on software docs, come home and hang out with Lizzie and Drew, maybe read, then go to bed and start all over in the morning.
But I did finish up a new chapter in the novel, about 4,000 words in 3 days or so. And it's good stuff, if I say so myself. I'm connecting a bunch of the dots behind the scenes and enhancing one of my three main characters, so it's all good. Yesterday I got word that my story "Gunning for the Buddha" will be reprinted in the brand-spanking new online magazine/exhibit Farrago's Wainscot. The magazine should be quite cool, as it's featuring "progressive and experimental forms of weird, of the strange" (among other things). At some point I should probably write some more stories, as I only have three new ones out there right now, but... We'll see. Stories seem to be getting harder for me now that I'm focusing on novels. Speaking of writing here are two interesting links by two fine writers -- Tim Pratt and that Stephen King fella. Go, read, and think about writing. Discuss here if needed... Tim writes about "contemporary fantasy," while King discusses his new book, which sounds cool, and the writing process in general, specifically how to wrestle your muse into something close to cooperation... And finally, let's leave with a funny Drew story -- Right before I put him to bed the other night, I was singing to him, and because I either go with the old standbys "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or the ABC song (both of which have the same melody), I went out on a limb and sang "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family" blah blah blah (you've gotta sing SOMETHING, okay?), and when I was done, Drew said "Sing Barney song?" What's funny about this is that we've never watched Barney here in the Jasper house. He must've seen it once or twice at his buddy's house. How crazy is that for a steel trap memory? And of course, when we closed the door to his room after we laid him down, Drew kept calling out "Love you!" "Love you!" as we walked back downstairs... Later! Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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