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Mood: Need to get in shape, stat! Read/Post Comments (3) |
2008-02-29 1:04 PM Not fast enough! I made a big, somewhat disturbing realization last night. It hit me that our three-year-old is no longer a toddler, and he has WAY more energy than we ever realized. He's gonna need a faster Daddy...
Last night, just Drew and I went to his preschool's "Fathering Night," where we got to trace his bare feet, cut 'em out (the tracing, not his actual feets!), and glue 'em to a piece of paper, then eat ice cream in the big hall down from his classroom. Last year we went and it was a pretty mellow affair -- we ate our treat, I chatted a bit awkwardly with a few of the other dads I'd hardly ever seen, and Drew was ready to go back home as soon as we got done eating. This year, it was off to the races. What do you expect when you feed kids ice cream at 7 at night? Drew got with two of his buddies from school, and those three just RAN. One big circle around the main hall. At top speed. I don't think I've ever seen Drew's face so red. Soon they were tackling and pushing and falling on top of each other, so we had to break it up. And that's when I realized that he is not getting near enough exercise and just wide-open, full-tilt exertion. I think that's why he's not sleeping well (don't ask about the epic battles Lizzie and I have had with Drew about taking a nap! You'd think we were waterboarding the kid.) He's just not tired enough. Of course, it's tough when it's winter and you can't just go outside and burn off steam. I think we're going to have to do more, find something better. So it's time Drew got a bike and a helmet. He's already earning stars for it (for good behavior), and he can ride his cousin's bike with training wheels no problem. And he loves riding. I'm hoping we can go out this weekend and check out some models -- maybe that'll help motivate him to take naps, if he earns those stars for taking 'em. Either that, or Dad's going to have to take him out for a run twice a day! Hmm... Maybe I can work something out with him and our dog... Later! Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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