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2007-07-12 4:00 PM Updates Read/Post Comments (1) |
I'm the eternal list-maker and in light of it having been so long since updating, this is my solution... forgive me. In no particular order:
-We're having a kitten! His name is Fuller and he's adorable. He was a feral rescue, but is quite sweet and has been observed interacting quite nicely with other cats so I'm confident that he'll adjust to Izzie very well... we'll see about Izzie's reaction later tonight... -Speaking of Izzie, she's officially a teenager now. I took her to the vet because she had something bloody and gross on her chin, which turns out to be kitty acne. -I got a new computer! It's a shiny new Mac on which World of Warcraft is delightful. I also got Starry Night in an effort to remember the joys of stargazing... I haven't used it yet though. -We got to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last Saturday, a whole four days earlier than it's American release date thanks to a friend that's a BAFTA member. It was fabulous! Easily my favorite of the movies, which is interesting considering it was my least favorite of the books. (I thought he was too whiny in the book, but the movie is a little different in that regard.) -I got a new phone. I'm keeping the old one for a variety of reasons that aren't all that interesting, but if you need to reach me right away, call the new one. I sent an email with the number, and I'm sure I forgot people, so if you need it still, send me an email and I'll forward you the new number. BTW, the phone is shiny! -This news is less of the happy variety of exciting, and more of the "oooowwwww" kind of exciting. I have had a backache in the same location for what feels like three years running, but which is probably only two weeks now? Yes, I have sought and found professional help. (Thanks Miss D.) -We have managed to complete every last piece of laundry that we had to do... and since we don't go roaming around the world naked, this exciting event (which happened due almost entirely to Steven's efforts and not my own) was immediately wiped out with the subsequent wearing of clothes. I miss having my own washer/dryer in my apartment... -I took midterms. I think it went well, but I'm not sure how that's actually going to be reflected in my grade since the teacher apparently curves. Without the classroom experience, I really have no idea how I compare to the other students. I am firmly opposed to most types of grading curves--they're not about how a student performs compared to standards, but rather, about how a student performs compared to other students (meaning that if the teacher is bad and nobody knows anything, the student who knows the most gets the A, even if they scored poorly on the exam--my middle school Algebra grades were based on a curve in which the highest grade on the final exam was 18%). -I've added an Estate Planning certification program to my studies, so completion of studies may require some extra time, but the additional credits will serve well to fill in some of the gaps in my schedule and probably will give me the opportunity to take some of the classes at the LA campus. This will give me to the opportunity to fulfill the requirement for the CPA exam in additional to the CFP exam and will also help me in my networking efforts. -I have new glasses. So far I like them, but I think they're a little more extreme than I was originally going for. I have found out that lasik eye surgery would be quite risky for someone with pupils as large as mine, so I've got to postpone that as long as possible. And I also found out that I was allergic to my other brand of contacts and/or solution, so I've totally switched to something else. -Steven and I have started walking in the mornings. As this requires us to get up earlier, we have only managed to do this once this week, but really, once is better than never, right? We'll get into the habit soon as we get used to waking up earlier. -I got to see a live taping of a PotterCast which was really pretty interesting. They kept having sound system issues, though, and Sue wasn't there (what happened to my favorite Hufflepuff? I hope everything's okay with her...) There's more, and I'm sure I've forgotten something really important, so I'll add more later as I remember more. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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