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nanstress My Journal 81226 Curiosities served |
2003-08-14 3:02 PM Oh Baby!!! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Proud I know I haven't updated my journal in many, MANY months, but I finally feel like journaling a little again. To go over the time between January and now would take WAAAY too much time, so forget it! After months of madness, back and pelvic joint pain, carpal tunnel, lots of kicking and squirming from within, and yet another move, Isabella Grace was born. Here is the birth story I posted on a BabyMed forum: (beware...maybe a bit graphic for squeamish folks)
----------------------------- Hello ladies, I thought I would post as I see that a lot of women are being induced and have a lot of concerns about it. Unfortunately, everyone's story tends to be different, but I just want to say that my induction went really well. I was induced 2 weeks prior to my due date (June 25) because the baby was big and we didn't want to try to deliver a 9 1/2 lb. or more baby. I was ready anyway...I was just so uncomfortable! I was admitted on June 11 at 7:30am into labor and delivery. It was about another hour before they started anything. I had a doctor's visit the day before to get my first internal exam to check my cervix. It hurt like HELL!!! I think I nearly crawled backwards off the table, just trying to get away from his hand. Why don't doctors just tell you the truth and say "You're going to feel a lot of pain," instead of "pressure." Anyway, he said I was about 2 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced. He said I would lose my mucous plug that night as well, but I didn't start losing it until the next morning. Also, I had planned on eating breakfast before I was admitted, but ended up not doing that. They won't let you eat either, so please, remember to eat before you go in if you can! Here is the run down of my induction: - 7:30 am admitted - 8:30am - No cervidil, started a pitocin drip. - 8:50am - Doctor arrives and does another internal (grrr) and breaks my water (they'd rather use less pitocin if possible). Also, he inserts an internal monitor into my uterus to read contractions. He says I'm still about 2-3 cm dilated and 60-70% effaced. - About 9:30am - Internal monitor removed because it wasn't reading correctly. Contractions have just started mildly. - 12:00pm - Doctor comes back to insert new internal monitor. My contractions have been building and coming about every 2 minutes. I'm breathing through them, watching the Animatrix on our laptop. They just feel like really bad menstrual cramps, so I feel like I can handle them alright. The doctor says "no change" in my cervix, so they up the pitocin. I'm thinking I'm gonna be laboring for another day. :-( - 5:00pm - Contractions very strong, and dilating slowly (about a 4 now). I start crying for no reason, except that I'm really tired. (Also, not hungry at all, which is good). I'm handling the contractions, but they're so close together that it's just wearing me out. The nurse suggests an epidural which will help me relax and in turn possibly help my cervix to dilate better. I tell her I'll think about it another 1/2 hour or so. - 5:30pm - I ask for epidural. I'm exhausted. I just want to rest and not feel so pooped out for when it's time to push. - 6:00pm - Get epidural. He has to try 3 times to get it right (wow...very uncomfortable. Mostly it just feels very strange, especially when they're inserting the catheter). - 6:30pm - Feeling a lot better. We're watching the basketball playoffs and laughing and just relaxing. - 8:00pm - Start feeling contractions again. Very strong pressure in my bottom and vaginal area, like the cramps moved there. Feels like I have to poo very badly (sorry if TMI). I ask for more meds. They also put me on oxygen...not sure why, but I didn't ask. - 8:30 - Get more meds, but it doesn't work. I'm running a slight fever so they give me some antibiotics. I'm shaking uncontrollably from the epidural, which is freaking out my husband. My blood pressure gets really low (the lowest was 64/28!) Everyone is asking me if I feel dizzy or anything...I just want more pain relief before I have to push. - 9:00pm - Get more meds, but they tell me that they want me to feel the pressure so I know when to push. I'm hoping it's mild and I have enough to know when to push, but really don't want pain anymore. - 10:00pm - Pressure is on very strong now and I am fully dilated and fully effaced. The nurse gets everything ready for pushing. - 10:30pm - Start pushing. Feel everything, as the epidural is wearing off quickly. I find a focal point an push through the pain. I have to say that pushing through the pain is way easier than just breathing through it. - The doctor shows up around 11pm and I push like crazy. I can feel him stretching the vaginal area and perineum...ouch! I want to kick him in the face, but I decide it's better to focus on my focal point. He says "Look, she's in a trance"...dork! - 11:21 - Isabella Grace is born! 8lbs 9oz, 21 inches long. I'm so happy she's out! I apparently tore a little and get some stitches (probably 4 or 5...again I didn't ask. The nurse says it's nothing much). So, I would say my experience was pretty normal. The thing I don't like about the induction is that they have you all hooked up to IV's and monitors and the epidural and the foley catheter, so you can't really move. I had hoped to be able to walk around for a while during labor, but they wouldn't let me. :-/ Overall, I felt the experience wasn't bad...I have nothing to compare it to, but I don't feel traumatized or disappointed at all. I hope that if you are getting induced that your experience is a good one. Just know that even the best laid plans go flying out the window with childbirth, so don't beat yourself up if you ask for pain relief when you swore you'd do it naturally, or if you have to have a c-section. You're not a failure in any way. Good luck to you all!! Nancy - Isabella Grace June 11, 2003 - 8lbs 9oz, 21 inches long, born at 38 weeks. Check out my beautiful cutie-patootie baby! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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