outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
Mood: a wee bit remorseful... Read/Post Comments (2) live simply so that others may simply live |
2006-05-27 7:02 AM sorry ok, so maybe not too remorseful. it's nice to have a place to let it all out, and nobody gets hurt. ya'll can ignore me, laugh at me, agree with me, call me names, whatever, and it's all ok here. anonymity. wow.
seems all i do is gripe on this board. especially about the very weird girl i work with. she's just so pervasive - i spend what, about 50 hours a week with this girlie??? and believe me, she tries to insinuate herself into my personal life a lot too, so it's kind of hard to not rant about her. for instance, a few weeks ago she asked if she could be a "big sister" to my dd. she thinks that she could help her get through the pubescent years (dd is 11), ya know, like if she has questions she doesn't want to ask her parents or if she just needs someone to talk to. and she was gracious enough to give me the go-ahead to pre-approve her apartment since (quoting her) "that's where we'll be spending most of our time anyway". don't think so chickadee. excuse me, since when does my dd need a big sister, and especially one that bathes only once a week (because she spends all her spare time stalking a particular server at a particular restaurant or playing some silly computer game all night long)? does she not think we as a family are not capable of handling all of her pubescent issues and then some? and if not, am i not intelligent enough to seek PROFESSIONAL guidance? wouldn't surprise me if she didn't have a skin suit hanging in her closet. weirdo. she has also invited herself to programs at dd's school - ya know, band, chorus, that kind of thing. and she offered to give my son a good talking to when he was misbehaving. now that i would've liked to have seen. i just couldn't do that to my son!! the really scary part is that she's our personnel manager. i work at a small company, and apparently they're not real particular about who they hire (doesn't bode well for me, does it?). anyhoo, she has access to all my personal records - phones, address, that kind of stuff. she'd best not go there. in spite of weirdo girl, i do have a pretty good life outside of work. and i really like most of the people i work with. i don't want to imply that it's all bad or i'm down all the time because of her, and i really don't think about work outside of work (well, except to tell the family the latest installment. you know how that is.) some really good things are going on. lots of fun stuff this weekend too. cookouts, the pool, church, and we are taking dd to a cathedral here in town tomorrow morning to observe their girl's choir. she was recommended to audition by her chorus teacher at school. and the choir is going to canterbury england next year to sing for a week. cool. she'll need a chaperone. me, not weirdo girl!!! and i had a great job interview last friday. i'm going to get back into sales after a much-needed year long break. i'd be working from a home office and have a territory that's really close by. it's selling advertising for welcome wagon. sweet. i like the idea of that. welcoming folks......nice...i have to talk to the regional manager via phone and then it should be done. hopefully. fingers crossed. prayers said. goodbye smelly weird chick Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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