outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2006-11-14 8:53 AM tagged for six i don't know if i can come up with six. not that there aren't six, it's just that my brain is not functioning well these days. i'll give it a try.
1. i don't read newspapers or magazines. any of them. it seems that most of them center on things that i don't care about such as celebrity gossip, or news which is depressing. i'm depressed enough already. i care, but i get frustrated because it seems i can't do anything to help. 2. i don't watch tv. in fact, i'd be happier if we didn't own one. 3. i'd be perfectly happy to live in the country like my grandparents did many years ago, raising my own food, burning wood for heat, and drawing water from a well. 4. i have an incapacitating fear of heights. i got up on a roof down by the river once to see the view. i had to be helped down. i froze completely and couldn't move. i can fly, and really don't mind it once i'm way up there and can't actually make out the scenery below. 5. while everyone else is trying to follow the latest gadgetry, i'm trying to get rid of things and simplify my life. not that i think there's anything wrong with gadgets, it's just a personal choice for me. i'm trying to uncomplicate. and new stuff is a real challenge to the 2 brain cells that i have left. (but i'd really like to keep my computer!) 6. i have a spot on my back that is both numb and itchy at the same time and it drives me crazy daily. how can it be both numb and itchy at the same time, my husband asks. if it's numb, how can you feel the itchy??? i don't know, it just is. it reminds me of my pregnant belly years ago, and that's when it started being numb and itchy, so maybe it's leftover from pregnancy. a deep seated longing for not having had more children. ????????????? who knows!! ok, i managed six. i don't know who to tag. has everyone had a turn by now since i'm late in getting here??? sorry folks, this is the best i can do right now. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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