outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-02-17 7:37 PM smudge sticks i know there are others who can add more than i on this topic.
i first saw netta mention smudge sticks here on js. i thought maybe they were an eyeliner kind of thing!!!!! i know that in australia they eat a candy called a musk stick (i hear they're nasty) so i thought maybe it was candy. as i've been researching stuff online recently, trying to find ways to calm myself down, get to sleep without drugs, and find some inner peace, i've run across some websites that offer lots of holistic and herbal types of advice. everything i've tried has worked, at least in my little slice of reality - and we all know that perception is reality for each of us, so when i saw the info on smudge sticks, i thought hey, why not??? can't hurt and might actually have some positive effects. they are white sage stick type things, all tied up together into what looks like.....a bunch of little sticks all tied up together!! you light an end, let it burn for a bit, and walk thru the house with it. it's supposed to "cleanse" the house, get rid of the bad energy and induce a feeling of well being and peace. so i did it last night. it smells like a combination of pot and sage to me. i really like herbal smells so it was nice. hubby thought i was getting high i think. not. it doesn't take much. i bought 3 of them for $1.50 each, and used not even half of one of them. you can research them online. there's only one shop here that i found that sells them, and it's such a cool little shop. anyhoo, i plan on doing it regularly, along with cleansing my chakras and anything else that calms me down and alleviates of a lot of the anger and frustration i'm feeling these days. suggestions are welcome, of course, on what else i can do, for myself, and with the smudge sticks. i even did a little mojo chant over my hubby while waving the sticks around and wooshing the air over him!!! i think one has to believe for it to work, and whatever spell i cast on his ass didn't work. party-pooper!!!!! then again, maybe i should be more decisive in the spell i'm trying to cast. *heh* i'll get the hang of it!!!!!!! let me know if you want me to send you some, babs. i know you've got some house cleaning of your own to do, hon!!!!!! Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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