outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-04-02 9:47 AM i guess i spoke too soon... my dear hubby and i had words last night. not good, nice, loving words, but rather an argument of sorts.
i was talking to a good friend yesterday about marriage, and she asked if our relationship worked. i said yes, it does. my sister was telling me again yesterday how her husband doesn't do shit. i know for a fact he doesn't. i've been to florida enough times to see him not doing shit. all he wants to do is ride his 4 wheeler and fish. i told her that i feel almost guilty because i don't have any complaints about life right now. my hubby has been working a lot the last couple of months. he worked this past weekend so that he can take a couple days off during spring break to stay with katherine. i know he's tired and stressed. we really do try to cut him a wide berth most of the time. he does his thing and we do ours, and it seems to work. seems to. my hubby also has a wicked sense of humor, very cutting and dry, and it's not wasted. i personally think he needs to use it around here more infrequently, and katherine seems to get a lot of it. combine that with the fact that she's an emotional hormonal 12 year old, and well, you get the picture. and i'm stuck in the middle, trying to ease everyone's bruised egos and make amends for things that i don't have a lot of control over. something small happened last night. it made me mad, it made katherine mad and sad, and when i brought it to his attention things sort of escalated from there. nothing was resolved. i found that my highly intelligent and logical husband resorted to martyrdom as a defense, and i just couldn't finish the whole thing. i don't have to win at all costs. compromises need to be made by all parties. that's what life is. a series of compromises. thing is, with him working so much and everyone involved in doing their own thing, we never do anything together. not he and i, and certainly not he, katherine and i. his routine is pretty much work, come home, tv, computer, read, and then bed. i don't expect him to do everything we do. i don't want him to. but we don't interact a lot, ya know? i guess we've gotten into our own routines, and while i'm not completely happy with it, i don't want to rock the boat and say anything, so i just go along to get along. there are too many days when we don't even have conversations. i guess katherine is feeling the press of his humor without benefit of much "quality time" together, so she's upset. and like i said, i'm stuck in the middle trying to make everyone happy. money has been a huge issue since i got sick back in the fall. i know he's feeling that pressure too. i'm not saying we have to do stuff that costs money, but there's gotta be something we can do to correct all this. and i start cleaning houses next week, so that will help relieve some of that burden. we'll work it all out. we have a very good foundation in this marriage with trust and love as it's base. that's a helluva lot more than a lot of people have, and more than i've had in the past. besides, when we married we vowed never to mention the "D" word. i told him i may kill him, but we'd never be divorced. **** did i mention that the ants are back??? oh joy. they came last week with spring rains. i just came into the kitchen and found lots more of them which i sprayed and cleaned up. but god, i hate that stuff. i think it could kill more than the ants. we live in a condo, and pay a maintenance fee every month. the association is supposed to take care of anything that needs to be done on the outside, and we take care of the inside. to my thinking, the ants are coming from the outside - a cracked foundation - so they need to fix this problem, no??? problem is, most everyone on the board is a liquor swilling shit for brains, and either can't fix it, or can't seem to get "aroundtoit" or just doesn't want to spend the money on it. they do some stupid stuff around here to make the grounds look better, but the hallways haven't been painted in at least 10 years and some units have termites which aren't being taken care of. they just fired a guy on the board who used the association credit card to purchase materials and services to make repairs, then pocketed the money the tenants gave him for reimbursement to the tune of $15,000.00. and no, it's not like i want to get involved with meetings and all that crap, like i have time for it. i just want the ants gone. i just called the office, and there was, of course, no answer. i think it's time for another letter. that worked rather quickly last time i needed a repair done. **** i'm having my teeth cleaned today at 1:30. gaaaah. i'll be so glad when all the teeth are fixed, cleaned and stop hurting. i shouldn't bitch. it's my own fault for letting it go this long. but crap, it hurts. **** we may go back to raven run this afternoon with my friend and her daughter. i have to call her after the dental appt. otherwise, i don't know what we'll do. last thursday we thought of about 10 different things we could do this weekend - the start of spring break - and we haven't done a 1/4 of them so far and time is running out. i work the rest of the week, including saturday, since it's easter weekend. everybody's gotta get their easter lillies i guess. xoxo Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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