outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-05-01 11:26 PM fading fast now... boy it's been a busy week and a half.
work with lots more work to come next week. (mothers like chocolates too!!!) but i like doing the flowers for the mommies. i may even send mine some. i mean i do love her, i just don't like spending much time with her. yesterday i ended up doing the "shoulds" and then i couldn't stop. i cleaned til almost 9 last night, took a shower, fell into bed and couldn't get to sleep and couldn't stay asleep. i took a sleeping pill a little while ago and now it's starting to kick in. i gotta get some sleep. i've been waking up starting around 2am and then waking up about every 45 mins after that for the last week or so. every night. **** i went to an association meeting tonight for our condominiums community. first i've been to. i try to stay away from such things as they tend to get political, but there's so much shit going on around here that may end up costing us a bunch of money, so i thought i'd best check it out. we have an elderly man who is president of the board who has ALLEGEDLY embezzled some money to the tune of roughly $20,000 and everything else just gets more complicated from there. we're definitely up against a good ol boy network which pisses me off - being talked down to and condescended to - that really chaps my ass. i'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but i'm not the dullest either. i know a bit about the law and home ownership, but mostly i know how to treat people with respect and dignity and not talk AT them as if they're illiterate underlings. besides, that's my maintenance fee i pay every damn month that pays his freakin salary, so don't talk to me or any of my other homies like we're stupid or a bother to you. and i don't like having MY money misused or stuffed into his pocket, especially since there's a chance they wouldn't get the pool opened this year. tell "no pool this year" to a fat middle-aged hot-flashing white girl and see what happens. *heh* the whole cluster*uck will take months to sort out, i'm sure. there are so many missing receipts and records and the computer supposedly had many viruses and the files were lost and blah blah blah it just goes on and on. i don't believe a damn word they say. we have an attorney on the board now, so supposedly that will help. we'll see. you're gonna love this one though. the board asked the guy who is under suspicion of embezzling money to go downtown and start an investigation ON HIMSELF!!!!!!! hubby commented that wasn't that kind of like asking the fox to investigate who got into the henhouse??? oy vey...this isn't gonna be fun. i heard there were shouts and name callings and near punches thrown at the last meeting. it could get interesting...is this what nettaland feels like??? **** i'm gonna talk to the hubby next week about a financial plan to pay off some debt and see if we can get a house anytime in the next year or two. i say next week because this week he's crazy busy at work with the ky derby coming up. he's the webmaster at the newspaper here and it's hellweek for him. old me would've just blurted it out. i'm trying to do better and consider his circumstances. see, i'm trying!!! **** bonus!!!!! the little cajun joint next door to the flower shop where i work not only serves great food at a huge discount to us, but today i found out they keep a bottle of bourbon behind the counter. it's for the bourbon sauce they serve on their bread pudding, but it works rather well for shots on a dull afternoon at work too!!! w00t!! w00t!! i've also heard that they're not opposed to storing a bottle of your favorite label behind the counter. that way when i run over for drink refills i can use the drink refill as a chaser for ...... whatever i like!!!!! maybe i'll schedule to have vodka tonics with lime ready at noon and 3??? i may never leave that job. the perks next door are most excellent!!! party on, garth!!! **** ok, right now i think the ambien has kicked, so i might want to take advantage of that and go lay down. i hope everyone sleeps well tonight, except for netter and kp. i hope ya'll stay up laughing and peeing and snorting all night!!!!!! there are some *circumstances* where sleep is definitely overrated!!!!!! xoxo Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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