outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-05-21 2:14 PM a lot has been happening first, daughter and i were illin last week. she was better by wednesday from a virus - the sore throat coughy kind. i had a tummy bug from sun til thurs. i didn't really feel bad except on thursday, just couldn't stay out of the bathroom.
but enough said on that subject. i know, maybe too much already??? in fact, i think i'll try to keep all the posts short. there's so much stuff i could write all day. friday - went on a end of year field trip with my daughter and her entire 6th grade class. i chaperoned 8 girls including me own lovely daughter, and she was. 5 of the girls were rednecks and not readily manageable. they kept sneaking off, wouldn't keep up with the group, griping about everything. a couple of them asked me to carry their quarts of gatorade and their leftover pringles in the can and i said no and they got quite pissed. the memo clearly stated to not bring anything for lunch that couldn't be thrown away so that you didn't have to carry stuff around all day. i'm your chaperone, not your mule. one of our stops was the freedom center in cincinnati, ohio. it's a museum dedicated to the struggle for freedom for all types of folks. it was way cool and i'm gonna go back when i have more than an hour to spend there. anyway, one of the redneck girls in our group got caught, not by me, trying to carve her initials into a slave cabin that is a national landmark or something like that. anyway, it's federal property. a family in ky donated it and they moved it there. there were still steel rings driven into the wood where they used to chain up the slaves. i couldn't believe it. she was taken away but i saw her get off the bus once we got back to the school that night. i don't know what, if anything, they'll do to her. again i say, what's wrong with people these days??? when i got home friday night my son came over. he had a bug bite that had gotten infected so off we went to urgent treatment center where they had to cut his arm open and clean it out and pack it and he had to go back on saturday and sunday as well to have it cleaned and repacked. i'll spare ya the details, but suffice it to say it was gross. he's on antibiotics and hopefully he'll take them all and be ok. yeah, they always come around when they need sumpthin, huh??? saturday - went on another field trip back to ohio with said daughter. this was an advanced band competition. she's not in the advanced band, but she is second chair clarinet and 4 of the 6th graders were invited to go. they won first place and the orchestra won first place and there were several other smaller awards they won too. how cool is that??? my little 6th grader playing with the 8th grade advanced band and they still won first place. it took me back to all the band trips i made as a flag girl (ya'll can stop laughing now) and how much fun it was. i got to meet one of her best friend's mom and she's an old hippie like me and we hit it off. she's invited katherine to come and spend a lot of the summer hanging out with them. she's retiring from the university this week altho she's only 49, so she wants the girls to have old fashioned summers - playing in the slip n slide, going to the park, museums, and just generally being kids. i'm jealous. i told her i wanna come hang out too!!! after the band competition we went to kings island for a while and had the awards ceremony. i didn't ride anything of course. i don't do rides. but it was a great day. we got stuck in construction traffic coming back thru cincinnati and what would normally take an hour and a half took 4 hours to get home, but it was fun on the bus with all the goofy kids so i didn't mind. my daughter and her friend did mad libs almost the whole time on the trip home. it was great to see them laughing and having fun just being 12 yr old girls. we got back into town and one of the parents at the front of the bus stood up to give instructions to the kids and spotted a guy who had used a sharpie to draw himself a rather large curly mustache and a little goatee on his chin. this kid is hysterical. the whole way up and down to cinci he was laughing like "har har har" at the movies we watched and speaking with a british accent. he was a doll!!! and he didn't care that his mustache and goat would have to wear off. what a nut!!! i'm looking forward to a lot more of these trips. sunday was a day of rest (i slept til noon) and grocery shopping. nothing big thank you. this morning i had to go back to get my root canal finished. i won't say it was ok as i had a weird reaction to the numbing medicine this time, but it's better now. just numb and hurts a bit. but i have drugs. i always have drugs, but i swear i'm not a druggie. just lucky that way i guess. i was supposed to go clean today, but i put it off til friday. that's all for now i suppose. i've missed chatting with you peeps altho i've read your entries, there just hasn't been enough time to reply to everyone. and this week won't be any better i think. why do i always think that as school lets out and summer begins that i'll have more time to just fiddle around? it's usually quite the opposite. maybe it's cause i'm outdoors more? anyhoo, i hope this was short enough (altho it seems once i get started i can't stop!!) and i hope you're all well and i'll sees youins later. xoxo Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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