outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-08-18 9:30 AM boosegumps i'm on the patio this morning, as usual, and i have boosegumps. it's 65 degrees. i know that isn't cool, but i guess it feels so compared to the 100 degree temps we've had lately.
i'm off to the arts and crafts fair soon. and our board association president is going to the concert with me tonight. she's a very smart sweet woman a little older than me and i like her very much. i know she can use a break from all that's going on around this place so it should be fun. she said she has some things she needs to talk to me about now that i'm vice president so we can do that on the drive out. if any of my neighbors find out that we're going together, it will surely set tongues a'waggin around here. a lot of the ladies here seem to have drawn an imaginary line and chosen a side to be on, and it ain't the side of the president. they seem to think she's part of the "good ol boy" network that we're trying to get rid of (and will be rid of come tuesday cuz i'm making the motion to get rid of the remaining two of them). they say things aren't being done fast enough and they don't like the way she's going about getting some things done. what they don't seem to realize is that it took a lot of time for things to get in bad shape, and with the lack of finances we have, it's going to take longer to get them all wrapped up and put back together nicely. if i find out that the board isn't moving in a good direction, i've already told everyone that i won't be long for it. so we'll see. everyone wants to complain, but no one wants to be part of the solution. funny how that works, huh? if only i could wave a magic wand...it seems to me that everyone here should be working together toward a common goal, but i guess that's too much to hope for. anyhoo, i am soo looking forward to my day, altho there's another dear friend i'd love to accompany me and i'll be thinking about her all day, wondering how things are going for her. she's going thru some very rough times right now in every arena of her life, and i know she'd love the day i've planned. i almost feel guilty going, ya know? but she's also the kind of friend who would want me to go and enjoy myself, and so i will. i might even find a nice little trifle for her at the arts fair...and when i get home this evening i'm hoping to hear a word of good news from her. *fingers crossed* and sending all my good vibes her way. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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