outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-10-17 8:51 PM as bad as it gets my baby girl's best friend's mom died today.
she's had 3 different kinds of cancer in the last few years, the most recent was some kind of spinal cancer. she spiked a fever yesterday, caused by an infection they hadn't yet pinpointed, which caused her already weakened heart to give out today, even tho the doctors thought she might live for months and months still. the girl is ok. her dad is ok. their 14 yr old son is taking it really hard. very quiet and withdrawn. they're a close family. they wanted baby girl to come over tonight and stay with her BF, so i took her. the lady's parents have been living with them for some time, helping out with the house and kids, the the grandmother told me tonight how much they appreciate me letting my daughter come over and spend this time with them, and how much it has helped the little girl to have a sweet friend like her for support and love. i know, i have tears just writing it. when we got there, they were all sitting outside on the front porch - there is an unfinished wheelchair ramp being added to the front of the house which she will never use now - but there were friends and family and neighbors dropping in and sitting and talking. it was a lovely scene. there were tears, but mostly a lot of love and support and hugs going around. and strength. these folks are a tight knit family, and unbelievably strong as well. the love, i think, has caused them to all bond together and be strong for each other. it is very touching to see so much good in the face of so much sadness. we will go to the visitation and funeral on friday evening and saturday morning. i am truly honored to be a part of these people's lives. the grandmother asked us to come early, to do visitation with the family. i don't think my daughter could ask to be friends with a nicer, sweeter family. and i know this about them because we've known them for 6 or 7 years now. baby girl is upset, very much so. she cried all the way home from school, hence i've been crying all night off and on as well. but she'll be fine. me and her stepmom and her dad and her brother have all talked with her about how it's ok to cry, and to cry with her friend, and that more than anything she just needs to love on her and listen to her. and just be there with her and for her. such a lot of grown uppedness at such a young age. they're only 12. so yeah, just when we think things are really bad and can't get much worse, suddenly we're shown what's really important. love, people. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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