Pasquinade Culture and News Delivered Sporadically Patrick Weekes is a writer, martial artist, and acclaimed omelet chef. He eagerly anticipates the fame, fortune, and groupies that he's been told come with starting an online journal. |
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2003-05-28 7:56 PM Pinhead Driver Monthly to Launch in August 2003 Striving to fill an underutilized market segment, Road Rage Productions announced Pinhead Driver Monthly, a 128-page full-color magazine slated to launch in August 2003.
"Magazine publishing is all about finding your niche," reported Ted Stockdale, Editor-in-Chief. "Every successful mag has got one thing going for it -- a dedicated base of users who are going to identify with the publication and its ideals. And after seeing how many pinhead drivers there are out there, I'm pretty confident that this is gonna be the next Maxim." According to Stockdale, the first few issues will cover an eclectic range of pinhead-driving-related subjects, from proper type of car for different forms of pinheaded driving to tips and tricks that "separate the distinguished scofflaws from the mere incompetents". Staff writers and high-profile projects announced at the press conference included: - - - The PDM guide to bumper stickers and pinhead fashion, hosted by Bev Dazzle. "The only thing better than cutting someone off," the automotive stylist reports, "is cutting them off and forcing them to spend the next five minutes glaring at your 'No Jesus, No Peace' bumper sticker and 'Drive Carefully, School's in Session' window-hanging." - - - The PDM auto sampler, hosted by Doc Redneck. "We're open to pinheads of all shapes and sizes," the auto reviewer notes, "from the Volvo that weaves through traffic cluelessly to the SUV with the forty-degree arc of blind spot on both sides. Heck, we've even got a special issue about those tricked-out Honda Civics fitted with spoilers and riding so low that you can bottom out while driving over lane-bumps. Driving ten miles an hour under the speed limit in the fast lane in one of those babies… well, pinhead drivers of all ethnicities should give it a shot at least once…" - - - - The PDM tips and tricks session, written each month by Stockdale himself. "We're aiming to show pinhead drivers that the bar can still be raised. Moving into a lane without signaling is good, sure, but if you move into a lane and then signal once you're already in there, that takes the frustration of everyone around you to a whole new level. There are too many people out there who will actually make a lane change to let somebody pass them or voluntarily miss a turn rather than swerving over two lanes at the last moment and grinding all traffic to a halt. We've got to fix that. Plus, I think we'll be able to bring out some stuff that even veteran pinhead drives haven't seen. Pulling into a lane right ahead of someone and then braking? Anyone can do that. Sending a spray of wiper fluid back into the car behind you -- now that's special." Stockdale promises specialty issues, including "The Annoying GPS Issue", "The Eating and Make-Up En-Route Spring Spectacular", and "Traffic Circles and Cloverleaves Unlimited". "There's almost an unlimited amount of stupid stuff you can do to make the driving experience miserable for everyone around you," Stockdale says, "and we know how insanely popular it is. From the pinheaded-and-proud core clientele to the guilty pleasure purchase of the pinhead who thinks he isn't one, we're gonna be open to all comers. If I can make just one driver do one more stupid thing per day, I'll be the happiest man alive." In an unrelated story, Progressive, Geico, State Farm, and Eastwood Insurance announced plans to raise premiums approximately 400% over the next eight months. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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