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bad day @ the TV screen
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ed gein-the butcher of plainfield: well [this movie sucked], this movie [this movie sucked] wasnt too [this movie sucked] bad. naturally, low budget = low [this movie sucked] on suspense and to a lesser degree, plotting [this movie sucked], and the gore [this movie sucked] factor didnt quite live-up to [this movie sucked] the hype, but overall, well...2 outta 10 dead [this movie sucked] babies for this film [this movie sucked], which is a gift...[because, this movie sucked].

the fountain, a silly flick about the fabled tree of life and living forever, on the other hand, sucked.

next up (tonight? its kinda late but wtf, roofing doesnt start until wednesday morning--tomorrow is a homechore day) is a little celluloid ditty entitled the dead girl, which--like every movie ever commited to dvd and blurbed about on the sleeve making ya think its the best movie ever....hmmmmmmmmm, we'll just see about that, eh wot?

on a side note, ahia is as hot--if not hotter--than hell's kitchen. its so hot that asphalt boils and cars're sinking into the roads; the mighty ohio river dried-up and all thats left is a single scalded carp flopping & steaming (dinner is served); the glass signs in front of McD's melted and ran so instead of saying over eleven billion cases of indigestion it says nothing and looks like a big hocker. ummmm, I may have overdescribed the tems a wee dab

~~~~~;;~~~~~=~~~~.~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~[~~~ ~~~~~~~\/

I started this post late late late last night but soon came to the realization that the combo of no sleep, tiredness from a long workday, my inability to type in a somewhat normal fashion, and a few beers [4? no more than 5 Im sure] takes its toll reviewing [is that what you call this Per, reviewing movies? wouldnt opinionated biased off-color brief comments'd be much closer to the truth, imho...] so I ceased and desisted, watched the dead girl [also sucked...0 for 3 last night folks...was a bad night for movies], then put my copy Phone Booth in (I really love that flick--its almost like a stage play,what with hardly any characters and except for a quick stint during the opening credits takes place in a single scene.

okay, and thats that. until we meet again, k?

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