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Our Lady of Mercy...& DOOM!
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HA! Down with the Greek! I have conquered (or at least quelled) the Zorba. I turned in my half baked in-class essay, approximately 3 pages too long, and left.

It was actually a cool little paper-ette, that talked about how provincilism is revealed through the interaction between the people of Crete and how they treat their icons. (Icons here meaning images of saints that are paid homage) It was pretty cool. Of course, it wasn't really fleshed out, but it did quote the book, and showed I had read it, which, I think, is what he was looking for.

Honestly - for the amount I stressed over this class, the class really was run well. He taught the way I would teach an english class.

Hmm. I approve. *thumps club*

Gah - so, only 3 more projects to go (1 done, 2 half done) and I'm done for the quarter. Of course, Yijimbo just came from netflix today, and I"m on a plane on Friday, but whose, heheh, counting, aheh.


For a day that started off with me forgetting my wallet and realizing it as I was trying to fill my empty gas tank, this evening went better than I thought. I did here some bad news today - the barr's had a miscarriage, which was unexpected. She's delievered 6 healthy kids so far, so this one was kind of a shock. In that you realize that pregnancy is no guarenttee.

Hmm. *debates about bring this up*

[A Selfish Aside: This is where I usually get the "we should be having kids" worry off the wheel of anxiety, and take it for a spin around the block. It's not to a point where it is irking me on a regular basis, so I don't usually chew over it here, but the bones of it are: its a fight between my N and my T, and my gut feeling has been winning out so far -- not ready for kids. T always says that someday you will find out you are expecting, and then, ready or not, you will be ready for kids. (/paraphrase) We shall see. ]

At anyrate - I'm going to get a cookie.

[addendum: He super-liked my richard iii treatment too - maybe if I feel masochistic, I will list it here, sans footnotes.]

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