design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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Well, I can finally relax. I sent off my review to yaga before he rewrote his book. Why this was bothering me, I don't know, but I've said my peace, and hopefully will help in the creative process. The one question I didn't ask myself was "how would I take this type of critique of one of my peices?" I'm not sure. I'm not as great as I think I am. My head gets as big as guru's sometimes. But I always hope I have something (a finger, a tooth?) on the ground when it comes to my art and my message. I try anyway.

Trying to gear up for the interview on tuesday. Getting a hair cut and manicure anyway. I also have to make some prints this weekend and get them into something that looks like a book portfolio. My heart isn't really in this though. I'm not really sure why. It seems that my current job will never end, I will forever be stapling paper and filing. Fighting with stupid appliances and smart engineers.
virturally virtual. nothing is real.

1 hour later
dude, my macaroons won't peak. Apparently you can only make those cookies once,*holds up left index finger* and never again. I don't even eat them, I just like turning something gooey into something foamlike. It's like typewriter ribbon when you crack open the plastic case and rub it between your fingers. Like wet sand. I think these textures are golden opportunities. Happenstances that you should take advantage of.

I'm also in one of my more messy moods. Had to watch myself to night to make sure I served the spaghetti on the plate, not in the impression of the plate area or context. Spelling, also seems to be relative tonite.

[ Too controled today - too hot in the office. Too many new people, too many retarded problems. ]

I need to decide on a book/bookcover to do for monday's adv. illustration. I'm thinking about doing Spindle's End, or Garden of Iden, both of which were pretty good books, but the style is escaping me. (other canidates: The Dark Shore, The Tombs of Atuan) I'm suppose to pick someone to copy and then, well give my impression of their style for the bookcover.


I'm really tempted to do Mucha, mainly because I have so many references around the house, but its going to be really hard. He had a lot of "under-structure" in his work, so its very subtle. [read hard] I will kill myself if I have to do Monet - only because of the rash of Monet in the early 90's. I don't think I have enough flare to do warhol. (though it would be fun) Pollack of course would Hee. ok, obnoxious.

Ok - just had to leave you with a funny.

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