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in the mood
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somewhere else

Painting again. I've only had about 4 hours of sleep, but I'm ok with that. I seem to be in some happy zen color-blending zone so its all good.

The piece I'm working on is going to be pretty cool when I get it done, if I get it done. It's a 15th centery italian painter that I'm basing the main painting, with circuitry worked into the dress pattern. I'm sort of under the gun because if it is in oil (I'm still not to far to switch to gouche') it needs a couple of days to dry. It also needs to be scanned in and mounted by monday.

I'm toying with the idea of actually adding little bits off an old ciruit board to give it - well, to make it eye catching. I personally *hate* when people paint everyday objects. I'd much rather see a leaf with dramatic lighting photographed over bad illustration work. Now, if you can paint well enough to make it *look* like a photograph...that's different.

But back to the circuits... I don't know. It might be too much. Also, they are soddered in place. I'll need to get some small wire cutters to remove them. And I'm completely at a loss as to how to reattach them to the painting, once it has dried. Superglue? apoxy? hrm. I just really like the idea.

Anyway, my gesso should be finished drying so..literally, back to the drawing board.

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