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wierd, I mean work....
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So, I feel I should write about this, but I'm at that point of tired where you are jumping at movement on the corner of your vision. It doesn't help that now is the time of creepy-crawlies. So -- um...bear with me.

Work is getting wierd. It no longer is an occupation, its a choose your own adventure.

You see a coworker frowning, leaving a closed door conference room, behind him you see the CTO. You:

a) run and tell a coworker (turn to page 34)
b) ask what happened and if you can have his/her radio (turn to page 50)
c) go about your business (cleaning up your resume and stockpiling company property) (turn to page 43).

I'm now in some kind of race to finish up rebuilding a website so if I get canned, I will have a portfolio piece for a real company. :/ I think we need a betting pool. That is the only thing that would make this better.

But I didn't come here today to talk about this. I had my pre-portfolio review today. This is the point where we dredge through the slosh of my work and pick out the 16+ pieces for my portfolio class next quarter. It's actually pretty thorough, and ended up being very helpful in what type of design I am strong in.


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