design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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coming up for air
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The day after our annevesary.
The day after a 53 hour work week for 3 jobs.
The weekend before meeting with a duequesne proffessor about an MA.
Technically, the 5th week of classes.

Time marches on.
I'm tired but happy.
I sit in the center of the wa as I prepare to make my way into the world.
All points in time [in my experience] trail back to me, in this moment. They lead out again into the past. I am forever here and now.

Temper fugit.

So, this is the sound of my brain decompressurizing on paper. I'm not even sure I have a point, mainly because I have had many points in the last week, all right on top of each other. I've learned a lot. I've invested a lot of emotion in this week. God. I care too much. Really.

But there are a few main points that I think I'd like to record.

the mentor: Probably the most impacting, emotionally speaking, I got a chance to pick the brain of a like minded artist at work. Advice which is invaluable as I start my fledgling jumps into ARTTM for MONEY©.

Having similar constraints on character, he has been very helpful in outlining good basic directions to go in, plus, pot holes to look out for. Guru's comment on all this was "are you going to disillusion him in the end and go off in a completely direction? [like you did your last mentor]" Which is all true, and which I told guru myself. Thus, I also gained from this knowledge that I can be described as "will betray." Buyer beware.

2nd shift work is GOOD: I found out that I really like working with people who make things during the second shift. I like it because of the commroderery (sp) that usually develops between like minded people working towards a large, quickly approaching goal. It is a bit of an F's "motherload" of emotional bonding in the work place. I am slightly disturbed by this knowledge of myself. Not sure what I want to do with it.

Art happens without you: SO I'm working this horrendous week, seriouly 3 different creative type jobs with different projects and different timelines - and I find myself working on my own personal stuff as I wake up in the morning. Creativity, in me, needs to be tended by a steady job/activity. A high pressure environment. And a Deadline. Only then will the acrobatics of procrastination be swept away by true creative energy.

Be not a graphic artist, be an artist who does graphic design This sounds very blaz-a, but it is actually an invaluable fact to remember. Be outside your software. It helps if you change gears at regular intervals, get away from doing the same stage of a project all the time.

Some of these facts can be taken at face value.
Some of them are a bit like ticking bombs.

The future will be decided(?) or at least shaped by what I do with this information.

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