design with a side of dialogue
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Project: Academic Catalog
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXpress 5.0
Status: Draft 1
Deadline: June 2003

*whew* Log day with the quarky. Quark currupted my file after 2.5 hours of work. So, at the end of the day, I'm now where I left off at noon. :/

This project is actually a revision of the catalog which I did for trinity last Fall. I'm working form a set text, and plugging in sections or chapters into a booklet. This time, instead of concentrating on getting all the information in, I'm now going back with attention to design and organization. What a dull, dull read. :)

It's a 80-some page booklet that I'm realizing as I'm working on it, needs to be standardized in the worst way. Since standarization is not my strong point, I've had to take some steps to try and keep solid about my structure. I start each session going over a style guide I made just for the catalog. This solves about 80% of the problems -- with about 20% of them involve me staring at the screen trying to intuit what the point of this paragraph is. Does it actually relate back to something we've already said. Is it a completely new beast that my guide doesn't encompass, etc. That is the part I find tiring. At least when I'm doing it right.

I don't really have a say over the final photography choices or the colors, and I don't really need to. I've worked with DS on other projects that you will see mentioned here, and I feel comfortable with leaving spaces open in the design for him to fill in later.

No real pictures of this at the moment. May have more once it is closer to the last stage.

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