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Project: Railcats Ad
Patron: uss
Medium: illustrator 9
Status: Completed (and approved)
Deadline: Passed

They liked the ad and went with it, with only an additional line of text from the plant manager. Of course the put it in the balancing white space up in the right hand corner, but I'm not splitting hairs. I'm just pleased that I got it right. After that fiasco that was the code of ethics booklet, I'm glad to see that I've gotten smarter.

Project: Logos (various)
Patron: uec
Medium: Illustrator 10
Status: on hold (all of them)
Deadline: ???

The three logos I've created for UEC are indefinately on hold as they weave through the long line of approval. I'm slightly bummed, because I could really use those in my portfolio right about now. I'm beginning to need to show people what I do, and with out them there is a whole block of time that is unaccounted for. Nothing to show for it, as they say.

Project: Logo. Corp ID
Patron: Zeta Web Design
Medium: Illustrator 10, InDesign 2.0
Status: Logo, completed, corp id, draft 2.0
Deadline: May 31st

This project though is finally getting some momentum. We've decided on a Logo, agreed on a font face, and have a basic business card approved. I've now just have to workout the letter head and then...well, then it should probably be the website, but I think my time might be better used in designing a brochure for them, even if it ends up being a pdf file. They are a web design company, they can handle the rest.

Project: TEEM Aug 03
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Final, pending changes
Deadline: May 17, 03

Well, my part of the brochure is completed, we are just waiting on a few photographs and I think a final approval of the color layout. I was able to keep a roll fold in the design, so that was pleasing. The whole thing will be an insert in the S&H magazine, so I tried to do something that would make it stand out some from the rest. It will also be on matte paper (S&H is usually glossy) so hopefully that will help draw attention to it.

Noises are also being made that the Academic Catalog will be ramping up again at the end of May.

Project: Intranet Photo Library
Patron: uss
Medium: um, lets say BBEdit and Photoshop
Status: Concept Stage
Deadline: May 31st

So, we are at about 1000 images in the catalog now and IT has opened up webspace for it, so we decide to try and do a launch for the catalog by the end of the month. I've been asked to design the graphics for the site, which is a complete shift from the logo work I've been plodding through. I think I'll look at some image sites today and try and get an idea for how they are doing it.

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