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The plight of the edcuator & student
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Project: Diploma in Anglican Studies Brochure
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXPress, Photoshop
Status: Draft 2
Deadline: Mid July

Well, things are going along swimmingly with this DAS brochure. I've already gotten compliments on the illustration (newer version shown above) though I'm not finished with it yet. A lot of the problem I am having is I want something that I refer to as noise up in the left hand region, but I'm not particular how or what it is. This is where research would probably help me. Though it has harmed me more often than not in this sort of project because I end up pushing the design off topic. If that makes sense. I expect I will have one or two more bouts with this idea, or group of ideas before I'm actually finished with it. The ideas I'm aiming at are:
  1. The TEEM cross, which includes the extension of the cross out of the "box."(inherited)
  2. A compass that shows the way
  3. Barrings, context
  4. the Episcopal Shield (illuded to)

  5. Metal, metalics, magnets
  6. DAS, ONLINE, etc.

I've had a few ideas floating in the back of my brain while I've been working on this piece. You will notice that instead of pointing due north, the compass needle is swinging towards the metal of the TEEM cross. This is to represent that there are intangible forces directing/leading/guiding (?) one when one is being educated. The student may not know where the road is taking them. I've also been thinking about how to communicate subtly that though the path can't be known, there are well marked out signposts on the way in tradition, studying and self knowledge. Knowing where you are is as important as knowing where you want to go. You must have a point A before you have a point B.

I won't say that my illustration is suppose to say that. I will say that I've been chewing on these ideas so that the work will be informed by these themes.

I guess I take to heart the plight of the educator and student. I'm not sure what I mean by that. Knowledge is essential, but it is also heavy. It is taxing. I sometimes think about that, especially in pieces like this.

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