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educating tomorrow's bishops
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Everyone is trying to finish things by General Convention. That is the short answer. Not only does this brochure need to be wrapped up, but I've been asked to critque the next nashotah house website, and I've heard of at least a few other print jobs that are being wrapped now to be handed out by the 30th. As a shirt I use to have when I was seven said "I'm just one of those Crazy Episcopalians." It's how I learned to spell my denomination.

Project: DAS (is gud) Brochure
Patron: Trinity
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Draft 4.0 (final pending text changes)
Deadline: July 30, 2003

Good as done. I still feel I'd like to see a color draft of it (one of my continue complaints of working at trinity) but I think all the images line up and I did check the baseline grid of the piece, so though I consider it half-baked, its probably ready for the public. The text has been morphing as the design has -- we ended up changing the paper size yesterday because we added 2 paragraphs worth of text. It was that or the main reading text was going to be 9pt. :/ The final size ended up being 9.25x6.25" -- thouse quarter inches are very important.

I'm really happy with the illustrations, though I managed to crash quark the first time inserting them. Lost 2 hours worth of work. But not really hard work. The text changes were still there, the margin work was still there. No problem. I mean, they aren't amazing or ground breaking, but they are delicate and definately "my style." My teachers always said that you do graphic design enough and your work will hone down to a particular style. I've always felt that my work could be more informed, but I also feel I haven't had enough time to really explore layouts with Trinity. Boy, if they would just let me run with it...

Project: Trinity Corp ID
Patron: Trinity
Medium: Currently Notebook paper
Status: Brainstorming
Deadline: Fall 2003

So we started talking corp id this week. I'm glad about it. It's a problem at Trinity that an designer would notice - all of their publications are self-cohesive, but put them all together and its a bloody mess. So a group of us creative folk sat down to brainstorm about what trinity is, wha† is it saying it is, where should it move in the future. What we determined is we can push the identity in a number of ways, but we need more input from the school's leaders to get some of these answers. I felt kind of bad about going forward with the DAS project, but it needed to get printed so there really was no choice. The short story with Trinity is a marketing group rolled in a few years back, studied them, created a look, created a number documents, handed these and a the results of their study and promptly walked off with their $$$. Basically leaving an educational institute with some electronic files and no clue how to use, nuture or culture them into something useful. I don't blame them, but now we have they hydra looking beast that is looking unprofessional around the seams.

The meeting was really just the tip of the iceberg, but at least the different parts of the creative leviathon at this school are working together to help the school, whether it knows that it needs it or not.

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