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Project: October Trinity Newsletter
Patron: DOP
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Draft 1.0
Deadline: Oct 9, 2003

Zeta is certainly coming together. This is important because I will be transitioning my graphic design work into the Zeta Design company starting in October. I had planned to incorporate by myself, but I think this is much more benefitial for all parties involved.

We have rented gorgous office space and we will be working on card tables until we can afford desks. ;) It isn't quite that bad, but along those lines. The place is a remodeled police station from the 1920's -ish. It has been completely rewired but still has a lot of its original charm. The owner really loves this building and wants to bring in new business into the small sleepy town.

I think the plan is we will try to move in as soon as dsl is set up, so probably in the next few weeks I will migrate from trinty to zeta (down the street) to work on my graphic design stuff. Not a moment too soon. I'm getting a few too many requests to "look at a printer" or "figure out ms word" for me to be really happy about being "accessible" at trinity. Time to get back to design.

I will be starting the next diocesean newsletter (T1003) this afternoon after meeting to go over the last newsletter (T0903) with MS and CW. The schedule is very tight. I only hope that we did enough ground work in T0903 to avoid re-inventing the wheel and move quickly through the conceptual stages. Both me and MS had a number of learning curves to go through to get the last one out. I hope we don't have to repeat any mistakes on this one.

I plan to set up the newsletter template this morning/afternoon before the meeting so we can hit the ground running. It's going to be kind of weird since I haven't had much to do for a few days, but I'm likely to be crazy for the next 8 business days trying to hit this deadline. I've heard nothing but good reviews on the design of T0903. I aim to work to the same (or better) standard.

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